
Our congregation is very active in ministry, both locally and globally. We provide many opportunities for believers to use their gifts and talents for the Lord. We encourage our families to be involved in service together.

Learning Opportunities

Preaching and Teaching the Bible

Jesus calls the church (Matthew 28:18-20) to teach all things Jesus has commanded.  The preaching of

the Word of His grace through Christ is the heart of our Church. Our preaching is known as expository

preaching, which seeks to explain and apply each verse in the Bible in its original context. We seek to

make our teaching Bible-centered, Christ-focused, and understandable.

Sunday Bible School

We have a Sunday Bible School with classes for all ages at 9:30am. We currently have 3 different

children’s classes in addition to an adult class. This is a timing of sharing prayer request, burdens, and

discussing God’s Word. Some typical topics dealt with in adult Sunday school are the Christian and

depression, how to effectively teach your family the Bible, modern cults and false teachers, as well as in-

depth studies through books of the Bible.

Children’s Church

Children’s Church helps younger children learn how to worship the Lord, learn about Christ and His

grace in a simple way, and prepare them for the adult service. It is available every Sunday during the

morning worship service.

Monday Evening Theology Class

Nothing is more important for us than to know God’s Word and sound doctrine well. We offer in-depth

theology classes in topics such as sin, salvation, Christ, as well as church history. Sinclair B. Ferguson

explains our heart when he writes, “The goal of theology is the worship of God. The posture of theology

is on one’s knees. The mode of theology is repentance.”

Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

We desire every person under our care to understand what it means to walk in obedient faith with Jesus

in their daily lives. Even if you do not have a great understanding of the Bible, we want you to know that

we exist to help you learn about God and His Word. We offer a Foundations Discipleship Bible study with

individuals as well as biblical counseling services to handle life’s problems in a God-centered way. This

includes marriage counseling, as well as counseling for issues such as effective parenting, anxiety,

depression, anger, and many other issues.

Fellowship Opportunities

Women’s Fellowship

Whether sharing our hearts in a home, praying together, or visiting one of the many SE Ohio festivals,

the women love to spend time encouraging each other. We welcome you to join us for this fellowship

about Christ.

Monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Once a month or so, our men meet over breakfast to challenge one another from the Word and to pray

for one another and our community. We find that godly accountability comes as a natural part of life as

we spend time with each sharing our experiences as we seek Christ.

Monthly Fellowship Meals

On the fourth Sunday of each month, we try to meet together for a fellowship meal. Sometimes this

meal takes place at a park, sometimes at the home of a church member, and sometimes at the church

building itself. These meals where we each bring a dish to share are always a wonderful way to get to

know each other on a personal level.

Youth Fellowships

Outreach ministries, fun-time excursions, and after-church fellowships provide spiritual encouragement

to our youth. There are sporadic youth fellowships held in the home of one of the Church families.

Sister Church Fellowships

Several times a year our congregation has the opportunity to fellowship with other like-minded

congregations in a combined worship service. We also assist these sister churches in evangelistic

outreach and material areas as needed.

Service Opportunities


Our smallest attendees receive special care by a trained and qualified staff of ladies at our Sunday services. Each nursery worker has gone through a background check for safety purposes.

Nursing Home Ministry

We serve weekly and monthly in two local nursing homes: Cardinal Place Nursing Home and Astoria Place Health Care.

Spiritual Mentoring and Discipleship Ministry

Our members regular meeting with others in order to mentor them into greater Christlikeness or to provide discipleship to one another.

Fair and Evangelism Ministry

We love our community or Southeast Ohio and want to have a presence there in order to represent Jesus Christ and His grace. In addition to canvassing local neighborhoods with Biblical material, we have a booth at the Guernsey County Fair in order to provide free Bibles and Gospel literature to our neighbors.

Mission Trips

Our men have been taking their construction skills on the road for several years now, helping other Christian ministries. They have ministered at Eagle Ranch in PA, Camp Evangel in VA, and Pioneer Bible Camp in UT, and Camp Peniel in Ohio. Some individuals have traveled overseas to visit the ministries of our supported missionaries.

Music Ministry and Christmas Choir

Adults, teens, and children combine their talents in music ministry.  Special Christmas and Easter programs normally highlight the year. We also enjoy regular special music from our talented musicians.

Building and Grounds Ministry

Our congregation is very active in the weekly upkeep of our facilities as well as yearly special work days. We always need help mowing the grass, cleaning the interior of the building, as well as snow removal.